Resume Skills

What are the best skills to include on your resume? Which skill set will help you get hired? Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills? What is a dental office looking for? How can you share your skills, expertise, and accomplishments with prospective employers? What is the best way to provide a history of your experience?


Your resume is the perfect place to highlight your strengths and abilities. We will help you answer all the questions you have about how to make yourself marketable in the dental field.

OC Dental Academy partners with Pacific Dental Services and their experienced team to provide this hands-on class. Resume Skills is a 2-hour course where you will be able to take your resume from boring to outstanding.

Build Your Resume For Free

We offer this class to all dental assistants in the community. You are welcome to join our class as we learn about the best way to present and brand yourself to your new employer. Free!

An Exciting Dental Career is Just a Few Clicks Away

OC Dental Academy offers a hands-on course designed to give you the basic fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to start your new career, at a minimum cost of time and expense.

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